Teaching at BGS HIGH
Language Art
Language Art at BGS HIGH is a highlight with the subject combination of studies of Societies, Earth
Science, Language and Linguistics. Guiding by the components of English Language students become
proficient in Reading, Speaking, Writing, and Listening skills. They also acquire essential understanding
of usage of the conventions of English Language This program not only gives an in-depth understanding
of topics but also develops an art of seeking and sharing perspectives.
Wellbeing a compounded concept which involves different aspects of life from physical and mental to
emotional and social. The program helps children to understand these intertwined, unarticulated topics
helps them manage and lead their lives with elegance and lightness. It makes them confident to deal
with life challenges with dignity and strength.
Faculty- Faculty at BGS HIGH are committed to provide best practices for learning innovation, classroom
culture and environment and best teaching skills and practices where they understand learning of
children and its impact, keeping their diverse needs in mind they orient their students ensuring that they
are ready to learn. The faculties are committed to community engagement and teacher values and
attributes of Cambridge. BGS HIGH faculties model the highest standards of ethical conduct by making a
positive contribution to ethos of the school by building positive and productive relationship with
students. A consistent approach to the well-being of students. They wholeheartedly create a culture and
environment where students are supported in not only the curriculum but also varied aspects of
learning and growth. They embody high expectation of themselves and of students to get the best out of
both in order to bring out an exceptional teaching and learning experience.
Multiple Intelligence
As educational skills are more closely associated with linguistic and logical-
mathematical Intelligence, the need is to advance cognitive science theory to a well interpreted
neuroscientific suggestion. To cater this need, BGS HIGH serves a ‘user interface’ between ‘neural
hardware’ and ‘cognitive software’ of students to ‘activate learning’ in the classroom. The theory of
Multiple Intelligence set forward by Howard Garner in 1983 holds that all individuals have several,
relatively autonomous intelligences that they position in combinations to solve and create. At BGS HIGH
students exercise spatial, linguistic, Logical-mathematical, Kinesthetic, Musical and Interpersonal
Intelligences into their learning on daily basis through individualized instruction method and involved
diverse lessons.